GeologyRocks Help
These pages will help you get acquainted with GeologyRocks, what we're about, how to get about, what's on offer and how to contribute. The help section is split into four:
- Introduction to GeologyRocks
- How to use GeologyRocks
- Keeping up to date
- How to contribute
If you're brand new here, the first of these sections will get you up to speed on what's available on the site and how to get involved. The second section tells you how to use the forums and start your own blog. The third section is useful when you need to know what's changed since your last visit and how to set up your account so you only receive the information you want. The final section deals with contributing to the site. The content on this site is written and supplied by its users. It undergoes a review process before being published to ensure the material is scientifically correct and accurate. So move onto learning more about GeologyRocks!